Court of Protection and Personal Injury

Managing the financial affairs of someone who has received a compensation award for a Personal Injury is not always straightforward. Our service has been designed to help deputies and professional trustees deliver the best quality of care and support. We have long-standing experience in the advice and management of funds on behalf of clients who are in receipt of Clinical Negligence Awards and where their affairs are managed through a Court of Protection Deputy.

We understand the importance of working closely with other professional advisers and the clientʼs immediate family to ensure the investments and structures meet their individual needs.

Flexibility for you

Since the Mental Capacity Act 2005 was introduced into law in October 2007, deputies have been able to appoint an Investment Management company of their choosing without making an application to the Court of Protection, as part of the revised Court Orders. The Office of the Public Guardian will be available to provide confirmation of the above if required.

Specialist expert support

Within our team, we are in an almost unique situation nationwide of possessing Court of Protection experience spanning the last four decades. Our dedicated Personal Injury (PI) and Court of Protection (COP) team believe it is essential to work closely with clients, deputies, Trustees and families to help meet their current and future needs.

We aim to help vulnerable clients and those acting on their behalf find the best advice, whilst providing them with an exceptional investment management service. In order to accomplish this, our staff receive detailed training on the specific characteristics and requirements associated with this specialist area.

Benefits of our Court of Protection investment service

Our highly personalised service allows our investment managers to create a deep relationship with you and your client, creating an investment portfolio specifically designed to meet their needs and long-term protection.